Special Offer for Kubernetes & Cloud Native Online Meetup Community
No matter the vendor, every $1 your company spends with CAST AI will on average get you $7 in savings.
Eligible companies qualify for up to $5,000 worth of cloud optimization credits for free. Fill out the form to see if you qualify.
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Claim your free cloud optimization credits
Learn how to cut costs in 1 minute
Scan your cluster and get custom optimization ideas instantly.
Optimize your cloud automatically
Achieve optimal performance at a fraction of cost without having to lift a finger.
Cut your cloud costs
Use CAST AI optimization credits and save even 75% on your next bill.
CAST AI is both ISO 27001 and SOC 2 Type II certified.
Live support
It’s not a bot! Our engineers will help you solve any issues.
Dedicated onboarding
Get set for success fast with our technical onboarding.
Massive cloud savings
Start saving 50% or more within minutes.